Monday, November 28, 2011

Accomplishments: Goals Follow-Up

Goals were taken from my previous post/assignment -

For Within 1 year:
To get an internship, graduate from Penn State University, move back to NJ/NYC, and find a job related to photography or design. Decide which graduate school to go to, then, actually get into graduate school. And, be close enough to go to my parent's house every night for dinner.


To get an internship:
I have applied for a photography summer internship through my job, and I got the internship! However, I received a notice that since I will not be receiving college credits for it, I have to wait and see if I can get into the program with being technically a “college student.” (I think they need to see how many other applicants suit the job and are actual going to be receiving college credit.) I am still continuing my search for another internship and I will be hearing a decision back from the summer internship the week of December 10th.

Graduate from Penn State University:
All set to graduate in May! (Keeping my fingers crossed)

Move back to NJ/NYC, and find a job related to photography or design: 
I’m moving to Philadelphia in May (and hopefully will be interning at Urban Outfitters). I will be transferring to a different store in Philly through my current job until I find a photography related job in Philadelphia or NYC. I plan to stay there for about a year or so.

Decide which graduate school to go to, then, actually get into graduate school:
I haven’t done much research. However, I have narrowed the area down, and that is definitely New York City. I really, REALLY want to go to Tisch School of Art but they don‘t have a great MFA photography program. There is focus in film/video and much on performance art. I am looking into Parsons, I think I may apply there immediately. I just need to get money for all the applications. All I know is that have to be close to my family. That is extremely important to me. Therefore, my travels are East of here.  

Other Accomplishments

I am taking a portfolio preparation class next semester to complete a portfolio to present while job searching.

I will also be taking an independent study to further develop my skill with a large format camera. Film is direction I’d like to take for my own art.

I have 100% completely decided that I want to teach photography.

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